Yann Riche, user experience and hci research
y a n n . r i c h e @ g m a i l . c o m

ynr photography banner for Yann Riche's professional website
Yann Riche's portrait


My research interests encompass: Look below for more information on these topics, including my contributions and publications.

Ambient Information Visualization for Sustainability

I am investigating how to design an ambient information visualization system to help people adopt and maintain sustainable behaviors, and in particular electricity. While most people have some interest in saving energy, either economical or environmental reasons, the lack of available information about one's energy consumption impeds people's ability to adopt sustainable behavior. This project explores explores the ambient information visualization paradigm to bring this type of information in the home, unobotrusively and efficiently.
Studying Always-On Electricity Feedback in the Home
(Short Note: 4 pages, archival publication)
Yann Riche, Jonathan Dodge, Ronald A. Metoyer, in Proc. of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2010), 2010. Download File, ACM BibTeX
Participatory design workshop

Participatory design workshop

Participatory design workshop

Participatory design workshop

Ph.D. thesis : Communication appliances for Aging in Place

Current status: Completed in Oct. 2008
My Ph.D. work seeks alternative to existing monitoring and assistive technologies to support seniors desire to "age in place". Moving beyond existing paradigms for helping elders by helping caregivers, I study how communications (in particular Communication Appliances) can improve seniors well-being.

For my PhD I have conducted both user-centered and participatory design studies to gain a better understanding of the problem at hand. I have conducted interviews and group discussions to refine potential applications for communications, which led to the concept of PeerCare, the peer reciprocal care approach that I advocate. I have also conducted participatory design workshops to gain seniors perspective on the problems at hand.

You can read the abstract of my Ph.D. dissertations and download the whole document here.
PeerCare: Supporting Awareness of Rhythms and Routines for Better Aging in Place
(Journal paper)
Yann Riche, Wendy Mackay, in Computer Supported Collaborative Work (JCSCW), 19(1), 2010. Download File Springer BibTeX
PeerCare: Challenging the Monitoring Approach
(Doctoral Consortium)
Yann Riche, presented at INTERACT 2007 (the IFIP 2007 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction) Download File    BibTeX.

Communication Appliances: Shared Awareness for Intimate Social Networks
(Position paper)
Wendy Mackay, Yann Riche, Jean-Baptiste Labrune, Position paper to the ACM SIGCHI 2005 Conference workshop on Shared Awareness. Download File    BibTeX.

PeerCare: Challenging the monitoring approach to care for the elderly
(Position paper)
Yann Riche and Wendy Mackay, Position paper to the HCI and the Older Population Workshop at the British HCI Conference 2005, Edinburg, UK. Download File Download File    BibTeX.
markerClock overview

rebecca usingmarkerclock


For my thesis, I have designed a communication device called markerClock which is intended to help raise mutual awareness of seniors. markerClock is a communication appliance, an always-on, easy-to-use device dedicated to connecting seniors with their friends and/or family members. It makes use of the current shared knowledge amongst people to raise their respective awareness of each others' routines and provides a feeling of presence.

You can find more information about markerClock on the page dedicated to it: markerClock.
markerClock: A Communicating Augmented Clock for Elderly
(short paper)
Yann Riche, Wendy Mackay, presented at INTERACT 2007 (the IFIP 2007 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction). Download File    BibTeX.

Une horloge communicante pour les séniors
Yann Riche, Wendy Mackay, presented at IHM 2007 (the Conférence Francophone d'Interaction Homme Machine) Download File    BibTeX.
CSCW figure void

Computer Supported Collaborative Work

My general interest lies in the role of communications in collaborative situations, from Home environments to Work environments. Going beyond a mere "efficient" point of view, I am interested in studying the design of communication solutions to support the underlying social bindings of work practices.
An Observational Analysis of Collaborative Actions in the Design Industry
(Technical Report)
Yann Riche, Matthew Simpson, Lorna MacDonald, University of Queensland, November 2003.
Work realized during my M.Sc. in Information Environments at the University of Queensland Download File    BibTeX.
Zebra system overview

Zebra system website

Technology Probes

For realizing my work, I use both user centered and participatory design approaches. Grounding the designs and findings in the complex environments found in reality allows for better ecological validity of the findings. In this context, I am studying the role of Technology Probes as a way to capture data in the field while engaging users in a participatory design process and conducting field observations.
Zebra : Exploring participatory design engagement in fieldwork
(Long Paper)
Yann Riche, Stephen Viller, Matthew Simpson, presented at DIS2008 (the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems). Download File    BibTeX.

Technology Probes for the design of a communication systems for seniors
(Technical Report)
Yann Riche, Ph.D. Confirmation report, University of Queensland, August 2006 BibTeX
zebra data overview


Large Time Based Data

One of the challenge of technology probes, is exploiting the various, numerous data collected by the device deployed in the field. For explopring and analyzing this data, I am studying the use of various tools, from visualization to interaction in collaboration with the AVIZ research project.

Melange: Space Folding for Multi-Focus Interaction
(Long paper)
Niklas Elmqvist, Nathalie Henry, Yann Riche, Jean-Daniel Fekete, presented at CHI2008 (The ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems). Download File    BibTeX
Mélange: Space Folding for Visual Exploration
(Journal paper)
Niklas Elmqvist, Yann Riche, Nathalie Henry, Jean-Daniel Fekete, in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (2009, in press). Download File    BibTeX
End-User Mashup Programming: Through the Design Lens
(Long Paper)
Jill Cao, Yann Riche, Susan Wiedenbeck, Margaret Burnett, Valentina Grigoreanu, in Proc. of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2010), 2010. Download File ACM BibTeX